3D Creative Teaching-Learning Strategy in Surveying Engineering Education
Carlos Carbonell-Carrera 1 * , Jose Luis Saorin 1, Dámari Melian 1, Jorge de la Torre Cantero 1
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1 University of La Laguna, SPAIN* Corresponding Author


For the acquisition of spatial reasoning, content is learned more quickly by means of the use of 3D objects. In the field of surveying engineering education, research has been carried out to promote the ability to interpret relief using 3D terrain representations with positive results, in which the instructor provided these 3D-models to the student. In the present research a change is proposed in the teaching-learning strategy in which the student ceases to be a passive subject who is asked to exercise with a 3D-model to adopt a creative role, since the student creates the object of learning using 3D tools. Under this approach can be measured also the impact of this strategy on creative competence. Results of 2 workshops performed with 115 engineering studies shows that this strategy help them to interpret the relief, and their creativity is improved in 36 points measured with the Abreaction Test of Creativity.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2017, Volume 13, Issue 11, 7489-7502


Publication date: 08 Nov 2017

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