Didactic Dimensions to Ensure Refugee Minors’ Protection against Sexual Abuse within European Refugee Crisis
Vladimir Filippov 1 * , Anastasia Atabekova 1, Oleg Yastrebov 1, Alexander Belousov 1, Larisa Lutskovskaya 1
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1 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia* Corresponding Author


The current importance of the present research is rooted in the fact that despite a solid legislative background and increasing number of scholarly studies, didactic dimensions to ensure efficient refugee minors’ protection against sexual abuse and exploitation have not been subject to comprehensive study thought the contemporary civilization faces a systemic refugee crises that affects minors as most vulnerable population. The research aimed to explore the above-mentioned dimensions, identify their stakeholders and tools, reveal the critical factors for their operation. The research methodology stood on the comparative approach, combined desk and field studies, included theoretical analysis of international white papers and academia contribution regarding refugee minors’ protection against sexual violence. Special emphasis was laid to empirical analysis of the current state of affairs and promising practices of 40 countries that are member states to the Lanzarote Convention Committee of the Parties. The research results made it possible to outline major didactic dimensions for refugee minors’ protection, identify key players and instruments for the above dimensions development, and to highlight promising practices in the area across various countries. The research significance is due to the confirmed efficiency of the developed methodology that allowed authors to explore current state of affairs and further trends to foster and enhance didactic dimensions of refugee minors’ protection against sexual violence at the age of refugee crisis.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2017, Volume 13, Issue 8, 5205-5215


Publication date: 16 Aug 2017

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