Meta-cognitive Skills and Strategies Application: How this Helps Learners in Mathematics Problem-solving
Simon Adjei Tachie 1 *
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1 School of Mathematics, Natural Science and Technology Education, Bloemfontein, SOUTH AFRICA* Corresponding Author


Learners’ problem-solving in mathematics is often problematic for both the learners and teachers and this needs to be addressed by applying relevant skills and strategies in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Meta-cognitive skills and strategies acquisition is vital for a learner’s academic success and particularly in mathematics problem-solving. The paper investigates the relevance of learners’ use of meta-cognitive skills and strategies in mathematics problem-solving. A qualitative approach was used, including a case-study design; observation and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. Four rural schools, four mathematics teachers and four learners from different schools (one from each school) were selected for the study. Content analysis was used to analyze the data together with verbal quotes that supported themes that emerged. The aim was to obtain condensed and broad descriptions of the phenomena. The findings revealed that learners’ use of meta-cognitive skills and strategies, such as task analysis, planning, monitoring, checking and reflection, self and group-monitoring skills, reading and writing skills, self-regulation skills (SR) and self-assessment (SA) helped them in mathematics problem-solving. The learners could also solve problems more easily through group discussions and thinking about their own thinking. Recommendations were made to benefit learners and further improve their use of meta-cognition for successful problem-solving.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2019, Volume 15, Issue 5, Article No: em1702

Publication date: 05 Mar 2019

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