Physics Teacher Candidates' Opinions on Fiber Optics and New Technologies in This Field
Sema Çıldır 1 *
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1 Hacettepe University, TURKEY* Corresponding Author


Factors such as innovations brought in by the developing technology, also rapidly changing social structures casted various roles to both the student and the teacher. Therefore, it is necessary to associate such knowledge acquired in courses with implications of the knowledge in our real lives and to constantly enrich course contents, namely to pursue innovations and transfer them into learning environment. The purpose of this study, physics teacher candidates' opinions on fiber optics and new technologies in the field are discussed; it is investigated how much and how new technologies are included in physics courses; teacher candidates' competence in conveying their field knowledge to real life spaces and methods they employ in pursuing scientific developments. Pursuant to qualitative research methods, the study was carried out during a semester in Waves Laboratory. At the end of the study, findings were also discussed.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2016, Volume 12, Issue 3, 539-547

Publication date: 17 Jun 2016

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