Relevant Content for a Scientific Collaboration in Mathematics and Physics Education Research - A Comparative Content Analysis of Handbooks and Conference Proceedings in Germany and Vietnam
Eduard Krause 1 * , Frederik Dilling 1 , Simon Friedrich Kraus 1 , Nguyen Phuong Chi 2, Tran Ngoc Chat 2, Nguyen Van Bien 2
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1 University of Siegen, GERMANY2 Hanoi National University of Education, VIET NAM* Corresponding Author


This article presents a possible framework for the cooperation of mathematics and physics education research domains. Moreover, the potential topics for such a scientific collaboration are explained by means of a structuring qualitative content analysis of current handbooks and conference proceedings in Germany and Vietnam. These topics can form a basis for further projects on the connection of subject-related didactics. One of these projects is an interdisciplinary course in teacher training at the Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) as part of the Inter TeTra project between the HNUE and the University of Siegen.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2020, Volume 16, Issue 4, Article No: em1836

Publication date: 26 Jan 2020

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