Students’ Perspectives of the Impact of Online Streaming Media on Teaching and Learning at the College of Education at Kuwait University
Ammar Safar 1 * , Fahad Alkhezzi 1
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1 Kuwait University* Corresponding Author


The study’s objective is to investigate the perspectives of pre-service teachers and in-service teachers in the College of Education at Kuwait University about using online streaming media services as a facilitative and innovative tool for teaching and learning, and for professional development and teacher preparation.

Material and methods:
Five research questions were used to construct the questionnaire and guide the analysis of the data. Different descriptive methods of analysis were applied on the collected data (e.g., frequencies and percentages to describe/summarize the demographic data, and means and standard deviations to answer the research questions).

The study revealed that participants’ awareness level of the availability of such services is considered to be low (M = 2.49, and SD = 0.57). Yet, their perspectives about using online streaming media as an innovative tool for teaching and learning, as well as for professional development and teacher preparation, yielded a significantly positive satisfaction level among all subgroups, with a high mean score (M = 4.5213, and SD = 0.27707).

Thus, online streaming media prepares teachers and students alike for a marvelous voyage of imagination and discovery. No school can afford to be without this tool, which is a gateway to a new world of educational possibilities.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2016, Volume 12, Issue 12, 2975-2989

Publication date: 15 Nov 2016

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