Teacher Opinions on Usage of Mobile Learning in Pre-School Foreign Language Learning
Yeşim Üstün-Aksoy 1 * , Çelen Dimililer 1
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1 Near East University, N. CYPRUS* Corresponding Author


Presently, acquiring education and scientific knowledge by using technological means has become easier. Individuals use their mobile devices for exchange of information, entertainment and educational purposes. They meet several needs by mobile devices which have become an indispensable element of their lives. Mobile devices also enable pre-school pupils to learn a foreign language more efficiently regardless of time and space as they are portable. Teachers, on the other hand, convey subjects of education and teaching to their students by using their mobile devices. In brief, mobile learning is one of the significant components of education. This research aims to establish the efficiency and influence of mobile learning in respect of foreign language learning. It involves a case study based on a qualitative research design. In this study where teachers take part as participants, the contribution of mobile learning process to the foreign language development of pupils in the pre-school period will be addressed. The study will underline the role and influence of mobile learning on language development, especially on foreign language education.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2017, Volume 13, Issue 8, 5405-5412


Publication date: 18 Jun 2017

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