The Formation of Training and Occupational Safety Conditions as a Factor in the Creation of a Favorable Image of an Educational Organization
Mikhail Vinichenko 1 * , Andrey Kirillov 1, Elena Frolova 2, Natalia Pochinok 3, Olga Kaurova 4
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1 Department of Human Resource Management and Personnel Policy, Russian State Social Univ., Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION2 Department of Management and Administrative Management, Russian State Social University, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION3 Russian State Social University, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION4 Faculty of Training of Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel, Russian State Social Univ., Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION* Corresponding Author


Intensive competition between educational organizations implies a shift in the perspective of studies aimed at investigating the creation of a favorable image of an educational organization from the external environment to the internal potential of higher educational institutions in the context of formation of optimal conditions for the training and occupational safety of employees and students. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the system of occupational safety and training in Russian State Social University (RSSU) according to the following blocks: personnel, research and development, and infrastructure. Interviews, questionnaire surveys, and overt observations were used to determine the opinions of teachers (n=35) and students (n=140) in regards to the social and occupational phenomena related to the problem of creation of favorable labor and training conditions. The paper reveals the preferences of teachers and students in regards to the optimization of the RSSU image policy, formulates a strategic forecast of the optimization of training and occupational safety conditions, and gives recommendations regarding the creation of a favorable image of the RSSU.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2018, Volume 14, Issue 4, 1229-1237

Publication date: 10 Jan 2018

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