The Way to Deepen Reform of School Physical Education in the Background of “Healthy China”
Lu Liu 1 * , Feng Li 1
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1 Institute of Physical Education, Huanggang Normal University, Huangzhou 438000, CHINA* Corresponding Author


“Healthy China” has always been a major project of great concern in China, and also an important foundation to fulfill the Chinese dream of a great rejuvenation. School physical education is an important basis for students’ lifelong physical education, nationwide fitness, national health and construction of healthy China. In this paper, literature consultation and expert interview methods were mainly used to discuss the profound connotation of “Healthy China”, and deepen reform of school physical education in the construction of “Healthy China” was studied-analyses of the guidance of “Healthy China” construction on deepen reform of school physical education and the way to such reform were done by relying on the functions of school physical education.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2017, Volume 13, Issue 10, 6545-6553

Publication date: 29 Sep 2017

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