Assigning the Appropriate Works for Review on Networked Peer Assessment
Chien I Lee 1 *
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1 National University of Tainan* Corresponding Author


Peer assessment can expand the cognitive schemas of students, facilitate knowledge construction, and promote discussion and cooperative learning among students and their peers. In recent years, the application of the internet to conduct peer assessment activities has been widely implemented. The advantages of networked peer assessments over traditional paper assessments include greater anonymity, less paper consumption, and greater convenience for teachers in terms of monitoring student progress. However, students must possess adequate assessment professionalism in order to provide their peers with meaningful and constructive feedback. This study therefore introduced a mechanism to assign works to peers based on assessment professionalism. Under this mechanism, students review the work of their peers within the range of their assessment capabilities. This maintains students’ motivation to learn as they assess and observe the works of their peers and improves their learning effectiveness.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2017, Volume 13, Issue 7, 3283-3300

Publication date: 15 Jun 2017

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