Difficulties in Learning Inequalities in Students of the First Year of Pre-University Education in Spain
Lorenzo J. Blanco 1 * , Manuel Garrote 2
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1 Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, SPAIN2 Colegio “Ntra Sra del Carmen” Badajoz, SPAIN* Corresponding Author


We present a summary of a study carried out with students of the first year of Bachillerato (the first of two pre-university non-obligatory secondary education courses in Spain) to determine and analyse some of their errors and difficulties in learning inequalities with the aim of improving the teaching-learning process of this topic. The study was based on work on the initiation to algebra, in particular on the observed difficulties and errors relative to algebraic skills.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2007, Volume 3, Issue 3, 221-229


Publication date: 23 Oct 2007

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