Examining the Effects of MOOCs Learners’ Social Searching Results on Learning Behaviors and Learning Outcomes
Yu-Sheng Su 1 * , Chester S.J. Huang 1, Ting-Jou Ding 2
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1 National Central University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)2 MingDao University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)* Corresponding Author


MOOCs social media has appealed to most instructors and learners like strong magnets by using ubiquitous handheld devices to share and discuss films, pictures, and messages. Through the social platform, users can share, track, and search for the information of their specific interests. Thus, they can make interactive discussions as well as social learning on multimedia texts and learning materials. It provides teachers and students the social platform to express opinions or ask questions. We developed an assistant system to help students evaluate problems and solutions is an emerging issue, and the MOOCs social searching system is a key solution. We report a case study that focuses on MOOCs learners’ social searching results and its influence on learning behaviors and learning outcomes. A case study was carried out with 36 high school students in Northern Taiwan. Results show that the mechanism benefits student information gathering and improves learning performance.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2016, Volume 12, Issue 9, 2517-2529


Publication date: 17 Jun 2016

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