The Place of Eucalyptus Within the Vegetation of Mesaoria Plain (Cyprus) and the Views of Vegetation Geography Lecturers
Serkan İlseven 1, Mert Baştaş 2 *
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1 Near East University, Department of Environmental Education & Management, CYPRUS2 Near East University, Near East Institute, CYPRUS* Corresponding Author


A wide range of botanists, ecologists, foresters and geographers see eucalyptuses as a potential danger for the environment, which can be considered as an asset instead. This study includes the views that eucalyptus trees do not change the ecological environment, neither can have a major influence on it, unless the natural vegetation of an area is vastly removed and eucalyptus trees are planted in their place. In Cyprus, this is not the case, Eucalyptuses were planted individually or in small groves only in the extremely dry Mesaoria Region extending from Güzelyurt (Morpho) Bay to Mağusa (Famagusta) Bay. On the other hand, planting eucalyptus trees in the chalky and clay hills of the Mesaoria, on the dry rendzina in the Pahna formations and in the vast Flysch Series which are in contact with the southern hillsides of the Kyrenia Mountains, is indispensible for ecological support. The most important factor in the success of eucalyptus planting in Mesaoria is the extremely dry climate of the region. In this study, discussion is carried out among the the views of vegetation geography lecturers and observations around the eucalyptuses of island.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2018, Volume 14, Issue 7, 3381-3388

Publication date: 18 May 2018

Article Views: 2016

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