Use of Assistive Technology for Teaching-Learning and Administrative Processes for the Visually Impaired People
Fatoş Silman 1 * , Hüseyin Yaratan 1, Tolgay Karanfiller 1
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1 Cyprus International University, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus.* Corresponding Author


This study aims to examine how technology used in the Cyprus Turkish Blind Association assisted the teaching-learning and administrative processes for the visually impaired. Qualitative research techniques were used for data collection and analysis. This study is a case study that aims to examine how the technology used in the association facilitated the teaching-learning and administrative processes for the visually impaired people. The study also found that with the assistance of technology the participants of the study were quite motivated and could easily communicate with each other and also with people outside their organization. Yet, there is a lack of technological devices such as automatic high-speed book scanner and imported books printed in Braille that would improve the quality of life of the association members.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2017, Volume 13, Issue 8, 4805-4813

Publication date: 20 Jul 2017

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