Descriptors Derived From Feedback on Teaching Mathematics in School
Gasanguseyn I. Ibragimov 1, Aliya A. Kalimullina 1 *
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1 Institute of Psychology and Education, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, RUSSIA* Corresponding Author


The purpose of this article was to identify the mechanism of bilateral feedback on Mathematics homework and to determine its impact on the success of schoolchildren learning. The following were used as the main research methods: the study and generalization of pedagogical experience which helped to consider possible ways of providing feedback on homework in Mathematics; the analysis of student artefacts with subsequent statistical processing. The latter made it possible to study the dynamics of students’ knowledge of Mathematics and to judge the effectiveness of feedback on homework. The article reveals possible ways to provide feedback on homework in Mathematics deploying digital technologies; a scheme for meaningful feedback and ensuring its bilateral nature has been developed; the influence of the feedback in question on learning success was calculated. The implications of the study involve the fact that the developed didactic conditions ensure a bilateral nature of feedback during self-directed learning of Mathematics using digital technologies. This, in turn, contributes to the efficiency of the educational process and the provision of visible learning.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2021, Volume 17, Issue 10, Article No: em2019

Publication date: 24 Aug 2021

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