How do People Construct Communication about their Creative Process? Study on Future Creative Professionals
Martyna Gliniecka 1 *
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1 University of Wroclaw, Institute of Journalism and Social Communication* Corresponding Author


Process of communication can be challenging. At first participants must standardize their concepts of things to hold them close enough to others’ concepts, then it’s crucial to use appropriate expressions to verbalize those concepts to ensure the mutual understanding. Therefore, it can be problematic when cognitive constructs are hard to standardize, as in the case of creative process. That’s because communicating about socially constituted objects is much easier than talking about those that are distinctive Data in this study was gathered by qualitative survey with self-completed questionnaire of open-ended questions. It was conducted between students of creativity-related studies right after their creative work on a project. The aim of the study was to evaluate and observe proficiency in talking about one’s ideas and communicate about creative process that led to them. The study has shown that creative process is identified only with its final phase – ideation. This “big idea” is seen as the result of having talent, not as the result of analytical thinking. Over half of the respondents believe that their idea was created by accident.. Respondents don’t see creative process as a common phenomenon, they only refer to it as an inner experience of a certain individual.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2016, Volume 12, Issue 5, 1199-1204

Publication date: 20 Mar 2016

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